Freqently Asked Questions

How do I enroll my child in programs at United Services?
Contact us and we will direct you to the person who can best assist you.
Main Office: 636-926-2700

What are the ages of the children who attend the agency?
Children range in age from 6 weeks through 8 years old.

How late are you open?
We can take outpatient therapy appointments on week days until 6 p.m.

I think my child needs therapy. What do I do? Where do I start?
The first step is to go to a pediatrician and discuss your concerns. If the pediatrician decides therapy is necessary, they will write a prescription for a therapy evaluation.  Ongoing communication with your physician will benefit your child and enhance our services. If you have concerns that your child is not reaching developmental milestones, you can call us for consultation at 636-926-2700.

Here are two websites that provide good resources for identifying developmental milestones:

Do I need a prescription to use the outpatient Pediatric Therapy program?
Yes. Though it might not be technically necessary for some group therapies, we believe it is good standard practice to start by consulting your physician and obtaining a prescription.

What’s the procedure for getting my child with special needs enrolled for Early Intervention at United Services?
For children ages birth to age 3 who have a developmental delay or diagnosed condition, parents need to contact First Steps, an early intervention funding source through the state of Missouri. Families can contact the St. Louis Regional Center at 636-926-1200 and ask for intake. Children go through a screening process to determine if they are eligible for services. Once children are enrolled in First Steps, families may choose to receive Early Intervention services through United Services.

How do I know if my child has special needs?
If you feel your child is lagging behind in any developmental area, you need to contact your local school district’s Early Childhood office and request a Developmental Screening appointment. If the screener feels there are areas of concern after the screening, they will refer the child to the district’s Early Childhood Special Education Office for further evaluation. All test results will be shared with the parents once they are complete.

Who do I call for a Developmental Screening? 
Developmental screenings are recommended annually for all children ages three (3) to five (5) who are not receiving special education services.  These screenings are provided free of charge through local school districts and their Parents As Teachers program.  Screening is conducted in all developmental areas (speech, language, fine motor, gross motor, cognition and social/emotional/behavior).  Hearing, vision, and health screenings are also included.  The screening allows parents to know whether their child is developing within normal ranges or if there are any areas that need further evaluation.  Parental consent for initial evaluation is required.

Parents should contact the Early Childhood Office in their local school district to make an appointment for a developmental screening:

How is the agency funded?
United Services is supported through a number of sources. They include:

  • United Way
  • Developmental Disabilities Resource Board
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Program fees
  • Fundraising/donations