United Services will remain closed through May 27

Tele-services will continue
Building unlikely to open for Summer Session


April 24, 2020

Dear United Services Families,

The prolonged public health crisis has been at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts for several weeks. Information changes daily and there are still many questions without answers about COVID19.

The Board of Directors and Staff Leadership at United Services for Children keep the health of your child at the forefront of all decision-making. We look forward to reuniting at our site in the future but not until it is safe. The building will remain closed and we will continue to serve you through tele-education and tele-therapy for now.

There are no plans to reopen the building before the last day of the year, May 27, 2020.

We are disappointed but believe it is in the best interest of all.

United Services summer session is scheduled to begin June 15, 2020 but I do not anticipate opening the building. Our team will continue to deliver education and therapy remotely unless there is a significant change in the status of public health in our community.

I want to thank you for your willingness to become teachers and therapists! You are doing an amazing job and it is our honor to serve with you!

Please feel to reach out if you have any questions or comments. My email is dliebel@unitedsrvcs.org

We miss you all!


Denise Liebel,
President and CEO
United Services for Children

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